In The Event of an Accident

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What to do in the event of a car accident for your car insurance
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Record as much information as possible

Your first priority is to make a note of the registration number of the vehicles involved in the accident. Either write down the registration numbers, or use the camera on your phone to take a photo. If there is damage to another vehicle or property, exchange names and addresses with anyone involved, i.e. anyone having reasonable grounds for asking you for your details. Make sure you obtain the insurance details of the other person(s).

Remember: Do not admit liability for the accident. Even if you think it is your fault, do not admit it. This is a condition of your car insurance policy.

Let the Gardai know

If the accident involves injury to a person or persons, you are required by law to report the incident to the Gardai (or local police if you are abroad) as soon as possible, but in any event not longer than 24 hours immediately after the accident. If there is only minor damage and no injury, you do not need immediate Garda attendance at the scene. Make sure that the road is not being obstructed by your car or by the third party’s vehicle.

Record details of all injuries and damage sustained. Draw a map of the accident location and include approximate road measurements. Your map should include the position of road signs, markings, traffic lights and vehicles involved. Use the camera on your phone to take photos of the scene and the surrounding area.

Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses.

Tell your car insurance immediately

Notify your car insurance company of the acciden within 48 hours. Click here to get the claims assistance numbers for each insurance company.

You will be sent an accident report form which must be completed and returned to your insurance company as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours from the time of the accident.

Notify your insurance company if you receive notice of any prosecution or if other parties are to be prosecuted as a result of the accident.

All correspondence from third parties, their Insurers or representatives should be sent to your insurance company without delay. Do not respond to any of this correspondence – this is what your Insurance Company does for you.