Is really MORE nonsense than a Standard Policy?
Caeva O'Callaghan | June 16th, 2014

Contrast a Quote from with a Quote from
We were intrigued with the concept of building your own car insurance policy. Whether you really can get a cheaper car insurance quote by building your own, custom made car insurance policy. So we tried it.
Customer Details: Accountant working in Accountancy Practice, aged 37, full Irish license, 4 penalty points, full bonus driving a 2014 Toyota Yaris 1.0 Iona valued €10K, living in Louth and using the vehicle for social, pleasure & domestic as well as commuting to work.
No nonsense quotation for comprehensive cover including full bonus protection and a policy excess of €300 is €464.85. quotation for comprehensive cover including full bonus protection and a policy excess of €250 is only €390. Already €74 cheaper than the quote provided by No nonsense.
But the differences don’t stop there! Full bonus protection from means that you may have 1 unlimited claim during your year of insurance and your bonus remains intact. Full bonus protection from No nonsense means that you can have 1 claim with no more than €10,000 paid out in order to maintain your no claims bonus. This is a major difference between the two protected no claims bonus features. When people are injured in car accidents, the amount of the claim starts to accumulate very quickly. If you want to protect your no claims bonus, you need the protection offered by
No nonsense Build your own
We then tested the “Build your own” car insurance policy on the No nonsense website using the same details. The first thing we noticed that the cover automatically reduced down to TPO and featured a price of €307.40. The price is highlighted and is very low. However, this is only providing you with the absolute minimum cover to legally drive on the road. We clicked on the comprehensive button and the basic price increased to €399.76. So the price is already nearly €10 more expensive than the price offered by and this is before we add on the features that we may want. To add on step back no claims discount protection, add €33.69 or “full” protection (which we have already pointed out is inferior to that offered by add €63.18. To include driving other cars add €10.50, breakdown assistance adds €26.25 and to reduce your policy excess to €250 add another €9.24.
When we add all of the features to the basic No nonsense price, we end up with a premium of €508.93. Significantly more expensive than the price offered by and inferior full bonus protection cover offered by No nonsense.
Quotations done on June 12, 2014